Our Vision:

A new vision for a new world

In 1996 the shareholders of the Pharmed Shayan corporation and its managing directors of the board formulated a new vision for the world wide corporation built around the central concept of value through innovation.

This sets out the objectives and framework for the future and serves as a guide for every one in the corporation.the vision was presented in February 1996 for the first time in a tray held in conjunction with the international managing conference of Pharmed Shayan.

Since then the vision has been communicated in a cascade throughout the world wide corporation with launch meeting for every individual company.overall more than 100 meeting in relation with this vision has been held around the world .
Through them it has been possible to find more innovative ways of achieving the targets set out in the vision statements.
In this way the Pharmed Shayan corporation has found that the vision and leadership are going hand in hand.

This sets out the objectives and also the frame work for the future and serves as a guide for every one in the corporation .this vision was presented for the first time in February 1996 in a tray being held in conjunction with the international management conference of Pharmed Shayan.